Engage and Enable Blog

The aim of this blog is to show what’s happening at the Center for Neurotechnology among its faculty, student and staff members. To learn more about the center and its work, visit our Feature Stories page.


When Katherine Pratt was in the seventh grade, one of her assignments was to create a plot development of her life. She started with a beginning, added rising action events that led to a conflict, followed by the turning point, falling action and then resolution.

Pratt declared during this assignment that she was going to study electrical engineering, a plot point that is true today in real life. She is a PhD student in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Washington.

The recent WeRobot conference in Seattle covered regulating robots, teleoperated robotic systems and robot economics. Tony Dyson, the man who built R2-D2 for "Star Wars" was the featured speaker on Friday evening; his presence at #WeRobot resulted in lots of Twitter posts with photos.

When Aalap Dighe, PhD student in Mechanical Engineering at MIT, recently traveled to Seattle, he was thankful to escape the never-ending Boston snowstorms. But he wasn’t here just to escape the winter weather.

Dighe, who will graduate this summer, has traveled regularly to the University of Washington (UW) over the last few years as part of his role in the Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering (CSNE), an Engineering Research Center supported by the National Science Foundation.

A team of researchers from San Diego State University (SDSU) and the University of Washington (UW) are collaborating to develop a novel wireless device to record and stimulate brain activity, one of the long-term goals of the Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering.

SDSU researchers have created flexible glassy carbon electrodes, now commonly used in a variety of applications, which can be implanted on the surface of the brain to record signals or stimulate specific sites.

Maria Vomero, SDSU graduate student in the NeuroMEMS Lab, said the team “heats the polymer at different temperatures and different rates of speed. We noticed that if we change the parameters, we get a new material every time.”

Jamal Thorne (right), Morehouse College '15 explains his research Nearly 20 students from Morehouse kicked off a tour across the country last week, starting off their spring break by marching in Selma, Alabama on the same day President Barack Obama joined civil rights leaders to commemorate the “Bloody Sunday” march.

Following the trip to Alabama, they visited a handful of universities across the country, including the University of Washington, a visit that was hosted by the Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering (CSNE), one of 17 Engineering Research Centers across the country funded by the National Science Foundation. 
