UW Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering has partnered with
Intel to offer a 10-week
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) on the UW Seattle campus. Students will work on the cutting-edge areas of quantum computing, VLSI circuit design and nanofabrication and take part in workshops focused on industry careers, communication and presentation skills. Applications open now until Jan. 15. [The
CNT REU program is also accepting applications until Jan. 15.]
Sarah Mondellocomments in SCIENCE about new work to identify the neurons important for the recovery of function after spinal cord injury.
CNT faculty member
Azadeh Yazdan and graduate student Trey Pichon have created
Coffee Chats to provide informal networking and mentoring opportunities for students, faculty and staff.
The CNT welcomes
Starfish Neuroscience as its newest industry member. Starfish Neuroscience is an early-stage startup advancing the science and engineering of brain interfaces with a mission to build the foundational technology for safe, flexible, and reliable neuromodulation and to deploy that technology as precision therapies, easily available to the people who need them.
CNT co-Director Rajesh Rao is featured on the
Economist New Foundations podcast, “How brain computer interfaces could change humanity.”