The Center for Neurotechnology (CNT) is committed to increasing diversity and broadening participation in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) by people and groups that are traditionally underrepresented in these fields. We actively promote diversity in our center and in Engineering Research Centers nationwide through initiatives like AccessERC.

© University of Washington 2017
The CNT partners with the DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking and Technology) program at the University of Washington, which has resulted in engaging a large number of students with disabilities. DO-IT has contributed to a more inclusive center by providing suggestions that have improved website accessibility, data collection, recruitment of people with disabilities and accommodations for students with disabilities in our programs.

The center also works to improve diversity in STEM fields through the San Diego MESA Alliance and MIT’s Office of Engineering Outreach Programs and Office of Minority Education. In 2015, Momentum, a design class for first and second year MIT students sponsored by the Office of Minority Education, focused on sensorimotor neural engineering.

In addition, we work with the UW Math Science Upward Bound program, which serves low-income and first-generation college students from three Seattle-area high schools: Franklin, Chief Sealth International and Cleveland.

CNT’s diversity efforts are managed by Scott Bellman, Director of Diversity.