Embotic Technology

Embotic Technology is a new startup company that originated from research in the lab of CSNE member and University of Washington professor, Emo Todorov. This research was sponsored in part by the CSNE, and it was focused on development of a Biomimetic Robotic Hand (BRH), part of the dissertation work of Zhe (Joseph) Xu, the company’s CEO. The BRH is unique in that it is made from computed tomography (CT) scans of the human hand, which are used in the design of 3D-printed “bones.” These artificial bones are melded together using a unique extensor-hood design that replicates human tendon structures. The result is an elegant and simple robotic hand that moves and functions similarly to a human hand. Embotic Technology is working in the CSNE startup incubation space, and the company intends to use the BRH to further robotic research as well as medical, anatomical and robotic education efforts.