School Visits – Grades 4 to 12

The Center hosts school groups through our free field trip program.

Our goal for school visits is to:

  • Increase awareness of neural engineering,
  • Increase understanding of how technology can assist people with disabilities, and
  • Spark interest in STEM careers.

The field trip program is designed to complements schools’ classroom content on the nervous system, neuroscience, biomedical science, and bioengineering. It is aligned with Washington State K-12 Learning Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards.

School visits are typically scheduled for 90 minutes or up to two hours. Your program will be customized to the grade level of your students and the length of your visit.  Virtual presentations via Zoom can also be arranged.

In general, you can expect:

  • A lecture on sensorimotor neural engineering and the mission of the CNT, delivered by a neural engineer or neuroscientist,
  • Stations featuring device demonstrations, real brain specimens, and interactive brain games (in-person trips only)..

The CNT is located in the center of the University of Washington, in the Bill and Melinda Gates Center for Computer Science & Engineering. Your group may want to extend your visit by taking a UW campus tour or exploring other K-12 offerings on campus.

To reserve an in-person or virtual school visit, please contact Dr. Eric Chudler, CNT Education Director via email.

We have a limited number of spots available each month. Once your reservation is confirmed, you will receive more detailed information, including a glossary, career links, and suggested teaching resources.