Resources for Teachers

What is neural engineering, and how can you, as a teacher, help explain it to your students?

This free e-book provides secondary students with interactive materials to explore concepts in neuroscience, neural engineering, and neuroethics:Virtual REACH Program 2024: Exploring Neuroscience and Neurotechnologies at Home (Bergsman & Chudler, 2024). The interactive digital format includes many resources for self-directed learning: readings, links to journal articles, videos, activities, and embedded quizzes.

CNT’s Dr. Lise Johnson responds to the question “What is neural engineering?” in the BrainTech Journal. You can watch a video of her explaining what it means, too.  

MIT Professor Joel Voldman and graduate student Aalap Dighe define neural engineering in a video that showcases a STEM Mentoring event for middle school students.

Dr. Johnson also wrote a series of blog posts that look at different elements of sensorimotor neural engineering.

Ready to dive deeper? Explore the links below for additional resources to use in the classroom, including videos, lessons, curriculum units and more.

You can also explore lesson plans created by teachers who’ve taken part in our Research Experience for Teachers summer program.

Questions? Contact the CNT’s Education Director, Dr. Eric H. Chudler.