
The Center for Neurotechnology (CNT) offers a range of programs and activities for graduate students throughout the year to educate the next generation of neural engineers. These programs provide opportunities for CNT students and for students around the world.

Graduate students can take part in the Student Leadership Council, a group that helps guide student involvement in the CNT. The council sponsors research seminars with student speakers, hosts informal luncheons with industry members and participates in science outreach events both locally and across the country.

Academic year curriculum includes a number of interdisciplinary courses offered by CNT faculty at the University of Washington, including Neural Engineering and NeuroVentures, Practical Ethics in Neuroscience and the Tech Studio Competition. Course materials are shared with all partner institutions. MIT and San Diego State will soon offer their own versions of the Tech Studio Competition course.

San Diego State University researchers are developing a new lab course in biosignal measurement, signal processing and analysis, and feedback control.

The University of Washington also offers a Graduate Certificate Program in Neural Engineering.

The CNT supports summer exchange programs for graduate students to broaden the experience of students within the U.S. and internationally, and to foster communication and collaboration between schools.