CNT BrainTech Journal

In this journal, we explore the concepts behind sensorimotor neural engineering and take a closer look at Center for Neurotechnology research.

  • Neural Bridge – Part 1

    By Dr. Lise Johnson (CNT Education Manager) I am old enough to remember when all telephones had wires. You didn’t carry them around in your pocket because they were too big and they had a cable coming out the back that plugged into the wall. If you disconnected the cable from the phone or the…

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  • What is Neural Engineering

    What exactly is Sensorimotor Neural Engineering? That is a very good question, and one that I get asked frequently. Inevitably when you meet someone you get to talking about what you do for a living, and if you work at the Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering, it’s only natural for people to wonder what on…

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