Author: webmaint

  • Engineering data security for brain-computer interfaces

    Engineering data security for brain-computer interfaces

    A new type of wireless transceiver is on its way to making data transmitted by brain-computer interfaces more secure. Chip layouts of the secure CSR-UWB transmitter and receiver in a 32nm CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) technology. Online data security has been a public concern for some time now. Whether it’s hacking of business or government…

  • Turning student neural engineering projects into viable industry products

    Turning student neural engineering projects into viable industry products

    Aleenah Ansari Aishwarya Mandyam, a current sophomore at the University of Washington (UW) studying at the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE), has explored outlets to translate concepts from computer science academia to industry through past internships at Expedia and Microsoft. In her internship roles, Mandyam worked on projects that allowed her to solve real-world problems and apply…

  • RET participants design and pilot neural engineering and neuroethics curriculum

    RET participants design and pilot neural engineering and neuroethics curriculum

    Middle and high school teachers, Hannah Earhart, Phelana Pang, and Alexandra Pike, all took part in the Center for Neurotechnology (CNT) Research Experience for Teachers (RET) program this summer at the University of Washington (UW). As part of the program, they designed innovative curriculum units covering neural engineering and neuroethics topics. They will be piloting these…

  • The CNT Practitioner and End-User Roundtable

    The CNT Practitioner and End-User Roundtable

    Imagine being asked to solve a problem for someone who you’ve never met. You have the necessary skills, you’ve been given a detailed overview of the issues at-hand, and you understand what’s at stake; however, you never have actually met anybody with the problem you’re trying to solve. Given enough time and information, you might…

  • Two feet of snow can’t stop MIT Momentum

    Two feet of snow can’t stop MIT Momentum

    “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” This creed from the United States Postal Service is fitting for the students who recently participated in MIT Momentum, a design class for first and second year students sponsored by the Office of Minority…

  • Neural Bridge – Part 1

    By Dr. Lise Johnson (CNT Education Manager) I am old enough to remember when all telephones had wires. You didn’t carry them around in your pocket because they were too big and they had a cable coming out the back that plugged into the wall. If you disconnected the cable from the phone or the…

  • What is Neural Engineering

    What exactly is Sensorimotor Neural Engineering? That is a very good question, and one that I get asked frequently. Inevitably when you meet someone you get to talking about what you do for a living, and if you work at the Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering, it’s only natural for people to wonder what on…