Engage and Enable Blog

The aim of this blog is to show what’s happening at the Center for Neurotechnology among its faculty, student and staff members. To learn more about the center and its work, visit our Feature Stories page.

  • Scientific Research – Insights from the Inside

    Scientific Research – Insights from the Inside

    Part 1: What is research, and how do I get involved? “Scientific research.” “Knowledge discovery.” “Novel contributions to society.” The first time I heard these phrases, I didn’t know what they meant. In many ways, I am still learning what they mean. My journey to discovering scientific research was highly circuitous, and I almost missed…

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  • Meet Gabrielle Strandquist

    Meet Gabrielle Strandquist

    This graduate student working in the labs of CNT members Rajesh Rao and Bing Brunton is starting a new series of posts on our Engage and Enable blog. Strandquist will explain her research and give insight into the process for aspiring engineers and scientists. Hello! I am a second year Ph.D. student in the Paul G.…

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  • The CNT continues to expand access to neural engineering education for middle and high school students, even through COVID-19

    The CNT continues to expand access to neural engineering education for middle and high school students, even through COVID-19

    Wayne Gillam There is no question that the novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, threw teachers and educators an unexpected curve ball this year. In response, the education team in the Center for Neurotechnology (CNT) discussed at-length which Center programs could be converted to an online experience in light of the pandemic and how to do…

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  • A former CNT student brings his expertise and business startup experience back to the classroom

    A former CNT student brings his expertise and business startup experience back to the classroom

    Wayne Gillam Lars Crawford demonstrates vHAB, a virtual reality device designed to assist stroke patients with physical therapy. Crawford was part of a student team that invented the device in the 2014 Tech Sandbox competition and further developed it at the CNT over the next few years. The Tech Sandbox was a precursor to today’s…

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  • Autoencoders help neural devices communicate with the brain

    Autoencoders help neural devices communicate with the brain

    Aleenah Ansari CNT researchers at San Diego State University have found a way to efficiently compress neural data moving through a brain-computer interface by using autoencoders, a special type of artificial neural network. Jameson Thies is currently a graduate student in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California, Davis, but his interest in neurotechnology…

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