the Emory Center for Ethics blog, CNT neuroethics researchers describe how brain-computer interfaces can significantly impact a person's sense of identity and agency. The article also outlines plans to study these issues in-depth with support from the National Institutes of Health.
February 3: Dr. Dora Angelaki (Professor, Center for Neural Science, Perception/Cognition and Mechanical and Robotics Engineering, New York University), "An internal model of gravity and its role in action, perception, and spatial orientation"
February 10: Dr. Michael Hasselmo (Director, Computational Neurophysiology Lab, Center for Systems Neuroscience; Professor, Center for Systems Neuroscience, Boston University), "Cortical coding of space and time for episodic memory"
UW Institute for Neuroengineering seminar: February 12, Short talks by Ariel Rokem (Senior Data Scientist, eScience Institute, UW), "Automated detection of glaucoma in multi-modal retinal images with interpretable deep learning" and Samira Moorjani (Research Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology & Biophysics, UW), "Movement-triggered electrical stimulation for strengthening cortical connections"
Students who participate in the CNT Hackathon will present their projects on February 24, 9:00 a.m. at CNT headquarters, Gates Center (CSE2), Room 382.
The Neurohackademy, a two-week hands-on summer institute in neuroimaging and data science, will be held at the University of Washington eScience Institute, July 27-August 7. Applications are due by March 1.